death valley

A day at Death Valley, Nevada

Sunrise at Mesquite Dunes Nevada

There's a deafening silence that occurs in the desert. The lack of life and the stillness of the sand is surreal and stirred my soul. The break of the sunrise created the most amazing hues of magenta and pink.

This is why they call it the 'Magic Hour' folks. 

The Devil's Golf Course

Only the Devil would ever play golf here.


At -282 ft. below sea level, the purest and whitest salt flats were an amazing sight. #mothernature 

The Bearded Fellow

If it wasn't for this Gentleman, we would not have taken this trek out to this amazing valley and experienced the calm and barren lands that's just outside of our California borders.

The Road Less Travelled 

The Artists Palette

Oxidized metals created from iron salts, produced amazing colors along the mountain side. Too bad there wasn't any rain, or these rocks would pop. 

The Field of Dreams

On the way home, we managed to spot a wheat field growing along the side of the road, the light was just past 1PM and the field just glistened with the sun's glow.

I couldn't have asked for a more amazing 1 day trip. It has got me feeling more inspired and more appreciative of the vast North American landscape. 

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.